This certificate is valid for one (1) year.

Conditions of certificate’s validity:

1. The outboard engine must operate at least every 15 days.

2. The outboard engine during the operation should have fresh and clean fuels which do not remain stored more than two (2) months in the fuel tank of the engine. The fuel tank should not be exposed to the environment.

3. The outboard engine during operation from the beginning should be supplied with plenty of water, similar to sea conditions, as well as during the engine’s washing with the flusher.

CAUTION: During the washing with the flusher, it has to be fit with the water intake of the engine and the water pressure in the network has to be no less from 8 BAR.

4. The additional components that serve the operation of the engine should be in good condition and protected from the weather conditions. (Fuel tank, fuel line, battery, power cables, transmission throttle cables, joysticks, steering mechanisms, instruments, etc.).

5. The propeller of the engine has to be in good condition and avoid the shocks and the destruction.